Treating Sinus and Allergies

Thousands of people in communities all over the United States are affected by allergy and sinus problems, the most common form of an immune system disorder. In fact, Dr. Dawn has an allergy to pork and lamb (no more bacon!) and knows quite a bit about suffering from allergies. Millions of dollars are spent on over-the-counter drugs, weekly shots, and physician visits. Coupled with time taken off from work or school, the effects of allergies are very far reaching. To work properly, your immune system must communicate with the brain through neural pathways in the body. When something interferes with these neural messages, errors occur and the immune system can make mistakes - mistakes such as overreacting to a common allergen.

The current allergy season, especially complicated by Covid-19 can be confusing and scary. The most common thing to remember is that if your sniffles are accompanied by watery eyes and clear mucus, then it most likely is from an allergy. If your sniffles are accompanied by a fever and shortness of breath - it is more likely due to a bacterial or viral infection.

The difference is most often seen in how one person’s body is able to adapt, and another not. Very simply put, an allergy is the inability of your body to handle something which is in their immediate environment: Pollen from trees, grasses, flowers, peanuts, etc. (There are also allergies to drugs, detergents, and other chemicals. These allergies are seen as a protective reaction and are not related to “seasonal” allergies.)

Chiropractic treatment along with dietary changes (to reduce inflammation) and nutritional supplementation may help people with allergies and sinus problems. In fact, research from Japanese researcher, Dr. Yasuhiko Takeda, president of the Information and Blood Circulation Research Institute in Osaka, indicates chiropractic could be beneficial for some individuals suffering from allergies and sinus problems. According to his study, disorders of the mid-to-lower back could have a significant effect on the immune function of certain allergy and sinus problem patients. Essentially, by permitting the nervous system to function with less stress, the immune system will function more effectively. Allergies are simply a hypersensitive immune system responding to normal antigens in the environment. The nervous system seems to be the controlling factor for the immune system. Chiropractic treatment frees up the nerves so that they are not irritated and hypersensitive to stimuli, according to some studies.

If you would like to discuss how our office may be of benefit to you for your sinus or allergy related condition, call us at 724-224-2224 for a complimentary discussion with one of our doctors.


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