What is a pinched nerve and how can chiropractic help?

A “pinched nerve” can be a very painful and problematic issue! Things that cause a pinched nerve can be stress, poor posture, poor sleeping positions, degenerative disc and/or joint disease, scar tissue, muscle spasms, and more.  Most of the time, chiropractic care will decrease the swelling and inflammation in the area of pain allowing your body to recover from it within a short time period. It is our duty as chiropractic physicians to discover the CAUSE of the pinched nerve. If the CAUSE of the “pinched nerve” is never discovered or treated, it can allow for it to be a recurrent issue. Patients of all ages can suffer from a pinched nerve. Sometimes it may just be painful, but sometimes it may be causing tingling, numbness, weakness, and even mimic sciatica. Are you suffering from symptoms caused by a “pinched nerve”? Chiropractors are experts at treating this issue so call today at 724-224-2224 for a FREE spinal health evaluation. Your nerves will thank you!


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